Doormat Fluke

Trolling for the Big Boys (and girls)

As we fish off of Long Island, New York, out of Fire Island, we have found that although bass seem to be EVERYWHERE, the larger fish are only hitting the Mojo’s. We have been most successful using white shad at sunrise and on cloudy days, then switching over to green if the sun decides to make an appearance. Speed is also really important as the bigger fish, for the most part, are lazier.  We found that the larger fish were more active and would strike around 3.2-3.5mph.
Depth has also been important these last couple of weeks, as we have seen the bigger fish in the 40-60 feet of water, while the smaller fish are more active in shallower water. We LOVE the Bunker Spoons, but the bigger bass for us have not shown interest in them during this late fall/winter run.

What has worked for you?