Doormat Fluke

So you think you can fish?

The one thing the fishing industry isn’t lacking is EGOS. Everyone seems to be a Master Fisherman. So what truly separates the Masters from everyone else? 

Well, I’ve been fortunate to fish with some Masters such as Capt. Al Lorenzetti and Capt. Scott Leonard, and have been able to “talk fish”, with experts like Capt. Paul Mandella, Capt. John Nappo and so many others. And this is what I have learned/observed and what I believe makes them True Masters.

1. They just have tons of experience in certain bodies of water.  They literally have DECADES of time on the same bodies of water, some even QUADRICENTENNIAL of time fishing the same grounds.  They know every shoal, drop off, rip, debris pile, crevice and feeding spot in their targeted fishing grounds.

2. All of these great captains keep it simple.  They have their go-to-rigs, or their handful of plugs or jigs and know when to work them and most importantly, how to work them. Very rarely will you see them try some new “As Seen on TV” gadget.

3. The Masters know how important PRESENTATION is over most other things.  You can be using the same bait or lure, with the same color, size, etc and be fishing right next to them.  They are pulling them up and you’re there just scratching your head.  It’s called PRESENTATION.  It can be a subtle thing, like a little jerk or allowing their bait to drag a bit, or approach the target zone from a different angle.  They are like Magicians.  You can stare at them all day and not even realize what they are doing differently than you.

4. Habits.  They know FISH.  They know when fish will be acting more aggressively or when they need some urging to strike their bait.  They make ADJUSTMENTS to accommodate the situation that they’re in.  Most fishermen have a lucky day and may catch a bunch of Striped Bass, and think what they did on that one day, will work every other day.  So day in and day out, they fish that same way.  It will usually take them weeks if not an entire season or longer to realize they need to do something different because they haven’t been able to replicate their success.   This is not true for the Master. They can consistently bring fish to the boat in many different conditions.

5.  Know when to Go.  Most fishermen fish when it’s convenient for THEM.  The Masters, unless if they are doing a charter, which in that case they are trying to accommodate their client’s schedule, know when the fish will be in the area or will be feeding.  They understand TIDES, MOON PHASES, TEMPERATURES and those other factors that can make a fair day on the water turn out to be an Excellent Day on the water.